2018 Oregon Cyber Security Day

April 23, 2018, Monday

Ford Alumni Center, Lee Barlow Giustina Ballroom, University of Oregon

Call for Posters and Demos

We look forward to a lively poster and demo session! If you would like to make your security or privacy work visible to the attendants at the Oregon Cyber Security Day, we welcome you to submit a poster and/or demo for review.

To submit a poster, please contact us to register your poster and submit a digital version of the poster for preview. If accepted, you may either bring your poster to the event or request our assistance in printing and mounting. The poster must be one large slide of size 24x36 inches (either horizontally or vertically), and the fonts and graphs/pictures on a poster must be clearly visible from a reasonable distance. Accommodation of larger size posters will be considered.

To submit a demo, please provide a paragraph of description about your demo. You need to bring your own computers and other equipments as needed.

Please email your submission to secday@cs.uoregon.edu.

Every poster and demo at the event will also be automatically considered for the Outstanding Poster Prize ($250) or Outstanding Demonstration Prize ($250), which will be announced at the Conclusion Remarks session of the event.