2015 Oregon Cyber Security Day

April 17, 2015, Friday

Jaqua Auditorium, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon


Please join us for the Fifth Oregon Cyber Security Day at the University of Oregon on April 17, Friday, 2015. This one-day event will feature a slate of distinguished speakers from academia, industry, and government, discussing current challenges and future opportunities in cybersecurity. The range of topics will be broad and diverse, ranging from examining future trends in computer security, to understanding cybersecurity within the federal government, to exciting new research in various computer security mechanisms and systems for securing the cyber space and data. There will be plenty of opportunities to engage with the speakers and other attendees.

Additionally, there will be a student poster session and faculty talks to provide more information on research initiatives with the University of Oregon, as well as breakout sessions to discuss trends and needs.

Admission is free, but space may be limited and registration in advance is required. Please register by clicking here.

Please contact us for any matters by writing to secday@cs.uoregon.edu. Students: If you would like to present a poster at the poster session, please contact us to register your poster, and do so at least three days in advance. This year we also have received support from the National Science Foundation for student travel. Please submit your application through email. Your application should include a resume and a letter from your school that you are in a good academic standing. All students will be considered, but we give particular preference to undergraduate or graduate students who are actively conducting research or educational activities in the cyber security and privacy area, and those who are female or underrepresented.
