2019 Oregon Cyber Security Day

Ford Alumni Center, Lee Barlow Giustina Ballroom, University of Oregon

April 22, 2019, Monday


Please join us for the 2019 Oregon Cyber Security Day at the University of Oregon on Monday, April 22. The venue will be at the spectacular Lee Barlow Giustina Ballroom in the Ford Alumni Center on campus.

This event will feature a slate of distinguished speakers from academia and industry, discussing current challenges and future opportunities in cyber security. With the recent receipt of a generous gift from Ripple, this edition of Cyber Security Day will focus on the pros and cons of Blockchain technology. There will be plenty of opportunities to engage with the nationally-renowned distinguished speakers, faculty, scientists, lead engineers, students, and other attendees from Oregon and beyond on cyber security and privacy, in general, and Blockchain technology, in particular.

Please contact us for any matters by writing to secday@cs.uoregon.edu.